The 88th China International Pharmaceutical Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) / Intermediates / Packaging / Equipment Exhibition (API China Exhibition) le 26th China International Pharmaceutical (Industrial) Exhibition and Technical Exchange (CHINA-PHARM Exhibition) e tla tšoareloa Qingdao World Exhibition. Toropo e Lebopong la Bophirima Sebaka se Secha sa Qingdao ho tloha ka Mmesa La 12 ho isa ho la 14, 2023. Pontšo ena e ikemiselitse ho tsoela pele ho hokahanya ketane eohle ea indasteri ea meriana le ho susumetsa mekhoa e mecha ea meriana.
E le pontšo ea pele ea litsebi indastering ea meriana ea Chaena ka 2023, pontšo ena e na le sehlooho sa "Boqapi le Tšebelisano." E sebelisana 'moho le mekhatlo e fapaneng ea indasteri ea meriana le mekhatlo e kang China Chemical Pharmaceutical Industry Association, China Pharmaceutical Packaging Association, le International Pharmaceutical Excipients Association. E boetse e sebelisana 'moho le API ea meriana e fetang 1,200, li-intermediate, li-excipients tsa meriana, liphutheloana tsa meriana le lik'hamphani tsa thepa ea meriana, hammoho le likhoebo tse fetang 4,000 tsa tlhahiso ea meriana le litsebi tse ka bang 60,000 lefapheng la meriana naheng ka bophara. Pontšo e ikemiselitse ho tiisa sepheo se akaretsang sa nts'etsopele ea boleng bo holimo indastering ea meriana ea China, ho khothaletsa ntlafatso ea indasteri ka boqapi, le ho theha melemo e mecha nts'etsopele ea indasteri ea meriana ea China, ho theha leano le tsitsitseng, le sireletsehileng le le phahameng le le ntseng le hola khafetsa indastering. .
Ho ya ka dintlha tsa moraorao, tlatsetso ya China ho phaephe ya lefatshe ya R&D ya meriana e eketsehile ho tloha ho 4% ka 2015 ho ya ho 20% ka 2022. Mmaraka wa China wa meriana o nka 20.3% ya mmaraka wa lefatshe wa meriana. Ka 2022, chelete e kenang indastering ea tlhahiso ea meriana ea Chaena e fihlile ho li-yuan tse libilione tse 4.2 (ho kenyeletsoa li-yuan tse libilione tse 2.9 bakeng sa meriana le li-yuan tse libilione tse 1.3 bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa bongaka), e leng se ileng sa etsa hore China e be karolo ea bohlokoa kholong ea 'maraka oa lefats'e oa meriana.
Ka lebaka la tsoelo-pele ena, API ea China Exhibition e shebane le ho sebeletsa masimo a lipatlisiso le tlhahiso ea meriana, ho fana ka sethala sa pontšo le phapanyetsano ea theknoloji ea lihlahisoa ho pholletsa le ketane eohle ea indasteri le bophelo bohle ba meriana le lihlahisoa tsa phepo ea bophelo bo botle. API China e fetohile sethala se ratoang bakeng sa lik'hamphani tse hloahloa tsa meriana Chaena le sebaka sa Asia-Pacific bakeng sa ho reka lihlahisoa, ho fapanyetsana mahlale, ho fumana leseli la indasteri, le ho theha le ho boloka likhokahano tsa indasteri.
The API China Exhibition le CHINA-PHARM Exhibition li kopanya litlhoko tsa indasteri, li khothalletsa ntlafatso ea indasteri le liphetoho tsa 'maraka ka mekhoa e mecha le tšebelisano. Ba tsoela pele ho haha sethala se sebeletsang indasteri eohle, se khothalletsang phapanyetsano ea indasteri le tšebelisano ea khoebo. Ho feta 1,200 API ea meriana, li-intermediate, li-excipients tsa meriana, liphutheloana tsa meriana, le lik'hamphani tsa thepa ea meriana tse tsoang naheng ka bophara li tla bokana West Coast New Area ea Qingdao ho bonts'a mahlale a morao-rao le lihlahisoa lefapheng la lefats'e la lipatlisiso, nts'etsopele le tlhahiso. mashome a likete a litsebi tsa meriana tse tsoang malapeng le linaheng tse ling.
Nako ea poso: May-29-2023